33 research outputs found

    Virtual Prototyping through Co-simulation of a Cartesian Plotter

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    This paper shows a model-based design trajectory for the development of real-time embedded control software using virtual prototyping. As a test case, a Cartesian plotter is designed. Functional correctness of the plotter software has been ensured by means of co-simulation using a virtual prototype before deploying it on target. Except for the interface implementation, the software that is used in the co-simulation is identical to the software that is compiled to run on the target computing platform. Virtual prototyping is especially important if the real target can damage itself if it is operated outside its safe operation zone or when prototypes are not yet available for testing. The co-simulation of the software against a virtual prototype resulted in a first-time-right deployment on the real target

    Way of Working for Embedded Control Software using Model-Driven Development Techniques

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    gCSP occam Code Generation for RMoX

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    Validating a Multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) framework for health care decision making (abstract)

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    OBJECTIVES: When evaluating healthcare interventions, decision-makers are increasingly asked to consider multiple criteria to support their decision. The MCDA-based EVIDEM framework was developed to support this process. It includes a simple weight elicitation technique, designed to be easily applicable by a broad range of users. The objective of this study was to compare the EVIDEM technique with more traditional techniques. METHODS: An online questionnaire was developed comparing the EVIDEM technique with four alternative techniques including AHP, best/worst scaling, ranking and point-allocation. A convenience sample of 60 Dutch and Canadian students were asked to fill out the questionnaires as if they were sitting in an advisory committee for reimbursement/prioritization of healthcare interventions. They were asked to provide weights for 14 criteria using two techniques, and to provide feedback on ease of use and clarity of concepts of the different techniques. RESULTS: Results based on the first 30 responses show that EVIDEM is easy to understand and takes little time to complete, three minutes on average. Criteria weights derived using the EVIDEM technique and best/worst scaling are divergent. Comparing the rank order of criteria respondents gave using these two techniques; there is more resemblance in rank order of criteria weighted with the EVIDEM technique. Compared to AHP/ranking/point-allocation, EVIDEM takes less time to complete but is only preferred by 33% of decision-makers. AHP/ranking and point allocation were often described as clearer and more reflective of the respondents’ opinion. CONCLUSIONS: The simple technique is proposed as a starting point for users wishing to adapt the EVIDEM framework to their own context. Other techniques may be preferred and their impact on the MCDA value estimate generated by applying the framework is being explored. This project is part of a large collaborative work that includes developing and validating this framework to facilitate sound and efficient MCDA-applications

    On model-driven design of robot software using co-simulation

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    Abstract. In this paper we show that using co-simulation for robot software design will be more efficient than without co-simulation. We will show an example of the plotter how the co-simulation is helping with the design process. We believe that a collaborative methodology based on model-driven design will improve the chances of closing the design loop early, improving cross-discipline design dialog, and reduce errors, saving cost and time

    Concurrent Design of Embedded Control Software

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    Effect of Corticosterone and Hen Body Mass on Primary Sex Ratio in Laying Hen (Gallusgallus), Using Unincubated Eggs1

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    In various studies, chronic elevation of corticosterone levels in female birds under natural or experimental conditions resulted in female biased offspring sex ratios. In chicken, one study with injected corticosterone resulted in a male sex ratio bias. In the current study, we chronically elevated blood plasma corticosterone levels through corticosterone feeding (20 mg/kg feed) for 14 days using 30 chicken hens in each of treatment and control groups and studied the primary offspring sex ratio (here defined as the proportion of male fertile eggs determined in freshly laid eggs, i.e., without egg incubation). Mean plasma corticosterone concentrations were significantly higher in the treatment group but were not associated with sex ratio, laying rate, and fertility rate. Corticosterone treatment by itself did not affect egg sex but affected sex ratio as well as laying rate and fertility rate in interaction with hen body mass. Body mass had a negative association with sex ratio, laying rate, and fertility rate per hen in the corticosterone group, but a positive association with sex ratio in untreated hens. These interactions were already seen when taking the body mass at the beginning of the experiment, indicating intrinsic differences between light and heavy hens with regard to their reaction to corticosterone treatment. The effects on laying rate, fertility rate, and sex ratio suggest that some factor related to body mass act together with corticosterone to modulate ovarian functions. We propose that corticosterone treatment in conjunction with hen body mass can interfere with meiosis, which can lead to meiotic drive and to chromosomal aberrations resulting in postponed ovulation or infertile ova